Questions, Comments, & Criticisms

If you have any general questions, comments, or criticisms about any of the content on this site, please feel free to post your content here.

497 thoughts on “Questions, Comments, & Criticisms

  1. If God has chosen before the foundation of the world, are the ones who endure til the end the one’s who were chosen?


    1. Yes, before the foundation of the world, God already knew who would overcome or endure til the end. The phrase makes it sound like God has favoritism over certain people which would be (Calvinism) but that’s not what it means. Many are CALLED but few are CHOSEN. The chosen are the ones that overcome or endure til the end. Read Mark 4:3-20. Judas was called but he didn’t endure til the end so he was not chosen because he destroyed himself over his own guilt for betraying Jesus.


      1. Judas was one fitted for destruction. The “intent” was to glorify God. Note Jesus’ remarks upon sending Judas out “Now the son of man is glorified and God is glorified”.
        Note also that Jesus didn’t attempt to reject Judas’ plan, but did stop Peter’s attempt to interrupt the intent of God. Both, by the way, subversions predicated by the Adversary.
        Judas did not “literally” purchase land with the money. That money was left at the temple at the feet of the priests.
        Judas was the only disciple to proclaim Jesus innocent in public and to the faces of the priests inside the temple.
        Judas “did” repent (see Matthew’s account) and changed his mind.
        NONE of the disciples actually believe in full – not even “after” the resurrected Christ appeared to them and chastised them for their unbelief.
        We know by 1 Corinthians that “the twelve” saw Jesus on the first day of resurrection.
        We know that with all the “gospels” (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) that eleven were seated on the first appearance of the first day, and that it was Thomas who wasn’t with them.
        Jesus said “Father forgive them they know not what they do”
        Judas was literally possessed by Satan. Adam was infected by third party.
        After Satan had left him, Judas repented and proclaimed Jesus’ blood as “innocent”.
        “THEY” included Judas.
        Judas was literally scripted to betray Christ.
        The “intent” was to bring glory to the son and God.
        Peter “claimed” he would die for Jesus.
        What benefit would that be? Who would that glorify?
        It would glorify Peter – not Jesus and not God.
        This is why Judas was called from the beginning to do this – willed to do – “through” the Adversary.
        At the end of Acts 1 we see that Judas is simply “at his own place”.
        Now, let’s look at the scene at the shore with the fish and Jesus and Peter.
        Jesus is talking with Peter who’s still upset and embarrassed at his denials and here’s Jesus asking him if Peter loves him.
        What does Peter do?
        He points to “that man” (who was reclining next to Jesus) and says “What about THAT man?”
        What is human nature to do when confronted with our failings?
        We point to someone or something worse to minimize our own.
        Why, under the conditions of the three questions and the timing, would Peter point at any of the other disciples?
        The only one it makes sense he would be pointing to would be Judas.
        And I know the argument. That would mean that this is the disciple Jesus loved and the one he left his mother with.
        And you have a problem with that, why?
        Because you still don’t know what mercy means.
        Consider what Jesus said at supper:
        Who will be the greatest among us, Jesus?
        The one who is the least
        Well, which of them is that?
        The one who does my Father’s will
        “Go, and do quickly what it is you must do.”
        The INTENT is for good. You need to remember that.
        God made the evil and the darkness.
        Now, what of God’s calling being irrevocable?
        Didn’t Jesus say of the twelve “Don’t you know that you twelve will be judging the twelve tribes?”
        What did Jesus say at the table concerning the one who would betray him?
        “The one who dips his hand WITH me”
        “The one with his hand on the table WITH mine”
        Different version same space.
        Peter motioned to the one nearest him to inquire what he meant.
        Judas has a conversation with Jesus about it being himself.
        Was Judas yelling down the table or across another disciple without that disciple hearing?
        They ALL scattered and ran.
        All of them abandoned him.
        Except one…
        The one who didn’t have a reason to fear the priests or the crucifixion.
        The one who was at the feet of Christ with his mother when Jesus looked down and said “behold, your mother – behold, your son” as an act of mercy to Judas, knowing what he was going to endure for his part.
        And then he forgave Judas with everyone “Father forgive THEM – THEY know not what they do.”
        Now, there are some understandings of the terms “burst forth” and the “bowels” that aren’t literal (just as the land purchase with the coins wasn’t literal) that mean a deep wailing in sorrow – depression. And when he hanged himself that it meant he hand no place to go having turned away from the twelve and from the synagogue – or – hanging of his head in shame or sorrow.
        He was “the son of destruction” – not “the son who got destroyed”.
        Big difference.
        The riddle of “who was the disciple that Jesus loved” is, in my understanding, simple.
        He loved them all, did he not?
        So why establish this moniker?
        It isn’t “the one who Jesus love more or most”
        Consider a friend that you loved, who hurt you, but you still love them.
        And you speak of them how?
        You loved them, right?
        And it’s not that Jesus doesn’t still love Judas.
        But he was hurt by him.
        And the tense is past – present.
        That man – Judas – the one who Jesus loved.
        This is NOT about Judas, but a revelation of the breadth and depth and height of the love of God through His Son and the REAL compassion of Christ.
        Even while being betrayed Jesus said to Judas “friend”.
        He didn’t call him an enemy.
        And he wasn’t talking to the Adversary that was with him…


      2. If God wanted Judas to endure till the end, then He could’ve caused Judas not to betray Jesus but then how would Jesus have been handed over to the Jews to die for the sins of the world? The scriptures tell us that Satan entered Judas and that is the only example we have of Satan actually entering someone to cause them to do whatever it is they end up doing. It appears that Jesus being betrayed was part of God’s plan which makes sense because it was already God’s plan for Christ to go to the cross to die for the sins of the world. God makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor so if you were made a vessel of dishonor, you can’t change yourself to a vessel of honor.


    2. Hi There in your writing about Salvation for the whole world something dawned on me. You were talking about Daniel 12:2 and the word “Everlasting.” It’s used twice. ahhh that is why you have the children of Elam (Eternity, Everlasting) twice in Ezra 2:7 and the other Elam 2:31. GOD wants us to take notice….to dig…lol. Thank you I enjoy your posts. I am only just beginning to “see.” May the LORD bless you!


  2. if heaven is a state of mind like nirvana in Buddhism correct me if I’m wrong. And I have a question are we just slaves to god if we have no free will, no personality if I’m wrong on something let me know



    1. “Heaven” exists in your mind. You live inside of a physical body but it is your mind the governs your actions and behavior.

      How can you suggest that we are slaves to God when we naturally do nothing that is of God? We are slaves to SIN! We are slaves to whatever laws we are under and all of humanity is under the law of sin. It is our natural desire to sin and even though we can will ourselves not to do certain things, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to will ourselves not to lust for what our natural body desires. I don’t understand why you think you need free will to have a personality. You are a person with a emotions, a brain, and a will so of course you have your own personality. That has nothing to do with being able to make uncaused choices.


      1. I love your content. It’s awsome to hear scriptural truth when most of what is going around is just lies and fables. I don’t agree with harsh way you respond to people thought. Some are just asking questions, and while you answer those questions, it is done in an almost insulting manner. Might want to use a little tact and gentleness when responding to people. You have been blessed with wonderful truths and have an obligation and the privilege of sharing that message with others. I pray that arrogance doest take root


      2. Tony, I appreciate your input because I believe it is helpful to reflect and learn as we all try to grow in our spiritual lives. With that said, I don’t believe your assessment is fair or accurate. Do you agree with the harsh way Jesus spoke to the lying, hypocritical, murderous Pharisees of His day? I don’t speak harshly to everyone but you took the time to point out what you perceived as negative instead of speaking about how I’ve encouraged people and lifted them up. I am not going to speak softly to people that lie and blaspheme God. What you perceive to be insulting may be just that, what you perceive but I don’t deny speaking fiery when I deem it necessary. I am a parent of 4 children one of which is an adult now. When they were younger I sometimes had to teach with fire but that doesn’t overshadow my love for them. It is usually the hard lessons we learn in life that we hold on to because it resonated. There are literally hundreds of comments on my blog over years of me speaking with total strangers. I don’t earn a dime and I have spent my own time sacrificing it for the benefit of others. Your assessment that I’m arrogant is insulting and off base to say the least. If a person is offended by something I say they are free to address that with me. That has happened on occasion for which I have apologized. It is totally unfair for you to judge me off of reading what seems to be only a handful of comments. I care more about people hearing the truth as opposed to coaxing some of their misguided feelings.


  3. Hello. Hope you are doing well, I am Christian but am struggling with all kinds of doubt. One question I have is why in the Bible God commands people to be murdered, instead of snapping them out of existence or something of that sort.


    1. God never commanded His people to murder anyone He commanded them to kill. There is a difference just as there is a difference between murdering someone because you want to rob them or killing someone that has broken into your home. One is justified and the other is not. God used His people to judge the wicked nations that were responsible for gross evils. This was to foreshadow what God intends to do in the future when He judges the world in righteousness. I understand that pain and suffering are difficult things to accept but these things are temporary.


  4. Good morning again! so many times i see a sentence or paragraph from your writings that i want to share. may i share in quotes and leave your name or logo from this page please??


  5. Hello,

    I have stumbled upon your website while searching about the topic lake of fire in Revelations. I got to explore the stuff you’ve written and I find it really interesting.

    Can you please explain based from scriptures about baptism? Many Christian leader says the we need to be baptized in order to be save?


    1. Hello J Ling I don’t have a lot of time right to go into all the scriptures but I’m assuming you mean baptism by water immersion. Baptism is a symbol for the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The ritual has zero significance if there is no spiritual application. Take circumcision for an example. This cutting off of the flesh was a symbol of something to come later (the cutting off of the works of the flesh). This begins with the heart. Little boys going through circumcision never made anyone righteous it’s just a symbol so getting dunked in water is meaningless in the same way if the death, burial, and resurrection isn’t applied spiritually. We don’t literally die, we die to our sins and bury them. We rise a new man but this is only a picture of what is to come. What’s important is that we are on the path. Christianity puts requirements on salvation so that they can control people’s lives.


  6. Thank you so much for the reply! Finally I have someone to ask Biblical questions!. I hope you don’t mind coz I have lots. 🙂

    I have been bothered by this issue for a very long time. Can you please explain to me Ephesians 4:5? where it mentioned one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism? Does this mean when you have faith in Jesus, you are baptized through Him?

    I do not belong to any Christian religious groups but I have faith in Jesus Christ. I study the Bible, I am very keen to know your explanations about certain topics I am confused about.

    I sincerely appreciate your help.

    God bless you.


    1. I certainly don’t mind answering any questions that I might have insight on but I try to keep this forum as close to being in line with the topics I’ve already written about. While I do believe that I have understanding I by no means have all or complete understanding of everything. I run this blog by myself with no staff so it can be time-consuming. All I ask is to be mindful of my time when asking questions. I try to respond within a reasonable amount of time because I am honored that anyone would want to ask me anything so I try to be respectful of people’s interest in my writings.

      In Ephesians 4:5 Paul is talking to the believers about unity in the Spirit – one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God. This has nothing to do with being baptized in water which remember is only a symbol (ritual) of something spiritual. This is similar to communion (eating of bread and drinking of wine) in remembrance of the body and blood of Christ that was sacrificed for the forgiveness of sins. Before we can even begin to talk about being baptized in Christ we have to talk about what it means to even have faith in Christ. Many people have faith in Christianity not Christ and this is why many Christians believe so many doctrines that are anti-Christ. One cannot be baptized in Christ when they don’t even know or understand what it means to have faith in Christ. Christ is the Savior of the world, the Messiah. Many people say Jesus Christ as if that is His first and last name but that’s not actually how it should be written. It is actually, Jesus the Christ, the anointed Son of the living God. What was Jesus the Christ anointed to do?

      1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

      If you read the Greek, the phrase “to be” is not there so the actual scripture should read this way as it is translated in Young’s Literal Translation;

      1 John 4:14 And we — we have seen and do testify, that the Father hath sent the Son — Saviour of the world;

      This is what Jesus is, He is already the Savior of the world so to have faith in Jesus means that you must believe that He will accomplish the very thing that His name represents. How many Christians deny this? Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world with an estimated 2.382 billion adherents and the majority of traditional believe that Jesus will fail at saving the world. If one doesn’t believe that Jesus will accomplish His mission commissioned by the Father how can one be baptized in Christ?


      1. Thank you so much for taking your time and effort to explain that verse. I really appreciate it.

        I have said that I have faith in Jesus the Christ ( I do not believe that Christ is his last name 😉 ) because I believe He is the Son of God and the Saviour of the world. God has plan for mankind and we have to live according to His words. I do believe that God will accomplish everything He has set to do because He is the God Almighty and no one can stop it.

        I just started reading your papers and it really took me a bit of time to digest everything. The part where you said that God created Satan is the one I really have to read twice. I have to gather my thoughts because I got used to the belief that God cannot create evil because He is good. But it made sense when you mentioned Isaiah 45:5-7. And because God is perfect and good, He cannot do evil things; that’s where Satan will come into the picture. God as being all powerful has no limit of what He can do and no one can ask Him what is He doing? and the whole point that Satan is existed, someone must have created him as well.

        This did not make me question my faith and doubt GOD but instead it gave me a new perspective that strengthen my belief that GOD is truly in control.

        I will continue reading your papers, it’s really an eye opener! Keep up the good work!!


      2. You are welcome and I know all to well how difficult it can be to believe certain truths when we have been indoctrinated by the church to believe whatever they tell us. If I may, what source of information led you to believing in the salvation of all? I’m just curious because it’s always nice to hear from someone that understands one of the most basic and fundamentals truths about God. I just responded to another person that still promotes the hell agenda even after everything I’ve written on this site. I don’t expect people to believe everything I say many will often argue with me about topics that I have already written about and explained in great detail. Case in point; the word eternal/everlasting. Neither of those words are scriptural words and I’ve written an entire paper on why they’re not but I still get people telling my about an eternal hell or even eternal life. They don’t understand and they don’t even try to understand. I know that my papers are extremely unorthodox which I believe to be a good thing but if you have any questions about anything I’ve written or you need me to expand on a subject please feel free to ask at any time. Thanks for your time.


  7. The Bible has many verses saying Jesus as the savior of the world (mankind, sinners). Growing up as Catholic, then have joined (not baptized) studying with born again and then the Witnesses, I would say I have read the Bible (still reading it) and have exposed to different interpretations.

    Though I have realized, they may be different groups but they are all the same: claiming that they have the truth and the rest is doomed esp those who are not baptized or member of their organization.

    I really had a hard time dealing with this but one thing I have taken from my experience is keep my faith regardless. I believe that God has given us the Bible for us to read, examine, and apply it (2 Timothy 3:16). I admit, I do not have the great knowledge to know everything that is written in there (I may be wrong, but I pray that God will forgive me if I am). I just take comfort in the verse James 1:5 -änd if any of you do lack of wisdom, let him ask from God, who is giving to all liberally, and not reproaching, and it shall be given to him.” Jesus said “Seek and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7) so I am still seeking with the faith that God will guide me.

    Sorry for my spiritual journey story-telling. 🙂

    So John 3:16 and the “Romans Road” verses are the usual introductory verses for the born again groups when explaining salvation but knowing now, it’s just hand picked Bible verses to prep my mind into believing that God is selective in terms of salvation. Only now that I have realized that verse itself said how God loves mankind and He doesn’t want anyone to perish plus there are many stories in the old testament which demonstrates how compassionate and kind God is and the parables of Jesus. One that stuck on my mind is the parable of the Lost Sheep.

    I know, this is not much of an explanation to why I believe about the “salvation of all” and I cannot give much of the Bible references and the full explanation of it but I just go with what I understood the Bible is saying about God’s love for mankind, not only His people, Israel. He is also just so He can only give the righteous judgement to all.

    Your paper made me rethink everything about what I always believe, read the Bible with an open mind and give attention to what it is really written and examine it after.

    I am still in the process of reconciling everything, the things I’ve known for so long from the things I realized that I might have missed my mark. I haven’t gone to the part of your paper where you discuss God’s plan of salvation so I am reserving my questions once I get to it.

    Take care and be safe. Hope and pray you and your family are well.


  8. Just found your site and I find it very enlightening. In your opinion, which bible is the best translation/best at retaining the original meaning of the words translated/and not corrupted? Thank you.


  9. Dear brother Sulaiman.,
    May God’s blessings be upon you and your kind. I would like to thank you yet again for your hard work in helping others understand Scriptures. I’d like to ask about Mark of the Beast. I believe this subject is most relevant than ever with all nations discussing vaccination passes for accessing basic commodities, cashless society, one global governance and social credit scoring. My question is: Will ALL be forced to have a mark and is there s way to fight against it?
    Thank you in advance,

    Your brother in Christ

    Dariusz W.


      1. Hello sir, I’ve heard plenty talk about the mark of the beast and I feel a bit overwhelmed and confused with all these varying views and interpretations.
        – My question is what is the mark of the beast? The most common view I’ve heard is that is it the Roman Catholic Church changing the sabbath to Sunday and that the RCC is Babylon(?)
        -I’ve also heard conflicting views on revelations 13 and would love your input on the scripture please.

        I’m so new to scripture and biblical prophecies are something I am just beginning to learn about.

        Your insight and knowledge is greatly appreciated!


      2. The mark of the beast is not Sunday worship. There is nothing wrong with Sunday worship and true worship should be every day of the week. Jesus has already fulfilled the Sabbath so there is no special requirement for Christians to worship on any specific day. Revelation 13 is one of the most difficult and complicated chapters in the whole bible to explain and I would likely overwhelm and you confuse you further because most of what the church teaches is false. I could tell you that Mystery Babylon is the entire Catholic and Protestant empire of Christianity and that would likely blow your mind because of what it implies. The mark of the beast is not tangible, it is a belief system. The book of Revelation is a book full of symbols and metaphors and without a proper understanding there is essentially no way to understand the book of Revelation. If you are new to scripture and biblical prophecies then I would caution you not to overly concern yourself with trying to understand the most complicated book in the bible. I can’t explain everything about Revelation 13 because I would have to likely write a 30 page commentary to really cover everything but to understand what the mark of the beast is, you have to first know what the beast is. The beast is HUMANITY! Every single person that has ever lived is the beast of Revelation – the carnal sinful man that lives in all of us. Receiving the mark in your hand or in your forehead is not literal. There will never be microchips implanted in people’s hands or heads which is actually pretty absurd if you think about. This has to do with thoughts and actions which produces the behavior which governs our lives. What a person thinks and believes is essentially the human version of an operating system. There will never be this one man anti-Christ someday in the future that is literally going to rebuild Solomon’s temple and proclaim to be God. If that was literal who in the world would believe that? The rebuilding of Solomon’s temple is spiritual and it represents the rebuilding of mankind into the spiritual image of God. Humanity is the temple of God. It is the sinful carnal man that rises up against God in our own hearts and it is this “carnal man” in us that proclaims to be god. How does this happen? What belief system gives man the power to think and believe that he is in control of his or her own life? What ideology takes away the sovereignty of God and gives it to man? There is only one ideology of men that is almost universally believed and accepted by the majority of the world (even in the secular world) that gives man this false idea that he is the god of himself and that ideology is the belief in free will. The mark of the beast (the carnal sinful man that lives in all of us) is belief in free will. Man can’t do anything that God doesn’t allow and God is in control of everything even the evil that He creates. The Most High rules in the kingdom of men (Daniel 4:32).


      3. Oh wow that is so fascinating! Thank you for your reply. Genuinely blew my mind and put a smile on my face. I love learning more and more about God and His word. I sure hope one day you’ll do an article breaking that all down fully.
        Thank you for your time and knowledge! 🙂


    1. No, Jesus was being facetious because He certainly didn’t adopt the same attitude towards the Gentiles that the Pharisees had calling them “little dogs”. Jesus demonstrated that God’s grace extends to all people and not just those who He has chosen. Those who He has chosen have a higher calling to be representatives of God showing people mercy and giving to those who are in need. The Jews did not do that as they were self-righteous and arrogant. This passage has an interesting parallel to the parable of the rich man and Lazarus with the rich man symbolizing the Jewish nation and Lazarus symbolizing the Gentile nation. In that parable the Jewish nation is shown to be under God’s judgment while the Gentile nation will receive God’s blessings.


  10. What would you say to someone who posts a video like this “debunking” universalism by saying that it would mean that Jesus died for nothing if at the end God will be All in All.


    1. I would simply say that they are wrong. The fact that anyone could think that Jesus died for nothing if He saves all sinners when His job was to save sinners is a little ridiculous to say the least. God being All in All means that God will receive a 100% return on Christ’s sacrifice so how could anyone ever consider that to be nothing? The problem with this type of thinking is that universal salvation robs Christianity of its exclusivity. What gives Christianity it’s appeal is this idea that there will be winners (those who are saved and go to heaven) and losers (those who are unsaved and burn in hell for all eternity). Christians think they are special and while I am aware that most will not admit it, they have no problem believing that they somehow escaped a fate that they doom billions of other fools to. It was certified cringe worthy listening to all of that lady’s misconceptions about universalism in that video. Universalist believe that God will draw all of humanity to Christ through the work of Christ and God’s judgment. Christians have a very literal belief about what “heaven” as if God could literally be isolated to a specific location. People do not go to heaven or hell at death these are nothing but doctrines of Christian tradition. People die and await the resurrection be it the resurrection to life or the resurrection to judgment. Nobody is saved “anyway”, everyone is saved “God’s way”! So I’ll say this… “If Christianity is true, then Jesus died for nothing!” The wages of sin is DEATH, not eternal life in hell. Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world so if anyone is still being punished for sin, then Christ’s death sacrifice was in vain. The woman in that video doesn’t have a clue what she is talking about.


  11. Excuse me, I’m new to most of the things about The Lord but how do we know that the Canon Gospel is the only true books and that the church has not excluded other books to fit their agenda?


  12. I really like your website, it has been a literal Godsend for knowing The Truth. I was wondering if your planning on writing more articles since I think your way of writing is really effective. Also if it’s not to much of a bother could you recommend me some other websites and writers who write and talk about The Truth. Apart from you and L. Ray Smith, I don’t know about other people that speak about Scripture without adding false doctrines. God Bless you and keep up the good work.


    1. Hi Anjel thanks for commenting! I do plan to write more articles but I just haven’t had the time or energy. I am kind of in a bad place right now going through a divorce and my wife is not being very cordial about it. When I get back to a better place I will definitely plan on publishing some new articles. As far as other websites, you can check out as that was one of the first sites I used to study from. I haven’t really spent a lot of time reviewing other sites. That might be a project I take up later but I can tell you with confidence to stay away from the gotquestions website. That site is awful and is full of Christian dogma. If I think of some other websites I will let you know.


      1. Actually I’m thankful that gotquestions exists because it led me here. For context, I’m 20 year old man and all my life I have felt that God was with me. Everything I asked it was granted to me and He was always merciful and even when I asked things I knew in my heart that I didn’t deserve, He still came through for me. So I always viewed Him as a Father but one that I was terrified of because I felt, “if I don’t live perfectly then He’s gonna turn on me and send me to hell”, then I think it was in June that I somehow ended up in gotquestions and read a lot of their stuff and always wondered, “why does this God seem so different from The God I grew up with?” Then that led me to Dr. Turek YouTube channel and I found you in one of the comments so I clicked in the link of your bio and ended up here and through you I also found Ray Smith. Before I read your website, I asked God “Father, please no matter if I like it or hate it, show me The Truth and don’t let me be deceived by Satan”. Then I read your stuff and it aligned perfectly with The Father and Jesus that I have personally experienced my whole life. So at least that deceptive website was used by our Father to drag me here. Also, this event showed me that we have no free will since I didn’t have any intention of seeking after God but something that I didn’t where it came from at the time, influenced me to seek after Him.


  13. Hi Sulaiman, sorry if asking too many questions bother you but I’m just so curious about God’s word and you were the first person God used to show me The Truth. I was wondering 2 things. First, what’s being overly righteous? Since I know we must live righteous lives to inherent The Kingdom of Heaven but is there such a thing as living too righteous ? And second, are we to spread The Gospel or just live godly lives and spread it if someone is seeking for The Truth and comes to us?

    God Bless, your brother in Christ, Anjel.


    1. There is nothing you can do under your own power to live a righteous life but we should be walking and/or progressing toward it. You will never conquer all of your sins in this life as long as we are alive in this bodies of sin and death. The life that we have is in Christ and it is the righteousness of Christ that we gain salvation. We do not earn salvation on our own merits. People that think they can live super righteous lives are wasting their time because man’s righteousness will always be as filthy rags to God. If God is calling you, you must go through judgment and ultimately overcome the world (your world). You can’t give up. You have to keep working and fighting because this is all a work in progress.

      The scriptures do tell us to spread the gospel but what is the gospel? Most people don’t even have a clue as to what it is but there is more to it and I realize that myself from time to time. What do you think it means to live a godly life? Just because someone thinks they know they truth doesn’t mean they do.


      1. Hi!!!, thanks for responding. I believe that living a godly life means living your life in total submission to Christ and having Christ live through you to change you and conform you to His Image. Have Christ live in you so you can overcome your sins (which is impossible without Him and it’s impossible to never sin ever again since we only have a small portion of His Spirit) and overcome the world. Also for me The Truth is knowing that God is the Savior of ALL Men but that not everyone is chosen in this life. Only a select few because they go through judgment in this life and must endure till the end. The rest of mankind will go through judgment where they will suffer loss but they themselves will be saved and then The Father will be All in All (which I interpreted as everyone having His Sprit and Him living inside them). Also, God Bless for this website and for responding to my questions. You and your articles have really opened my eyes to God. I thank God that he used you to open my eyes to The Real Christ.


    1. Those are subjects that I don’t focus too much attention too because I do not believe they are relevant in this age. That’s not to say that God doesn’t or can’t anymore it’s just that we don’t see these things happening today like they did during the time of Christ. There was a time when God gave power to people to perform miracles but we do not see things like that anymore. That was for a season and I believe that season has passed. Paul talks prophecies failing, tongues ceasing, and knowledge vanishing in 1 Corinthians 13 without love. He later says that NOW abides faith, hope, and love. Only God has the power to heal the sick and it is solely in His hand to heal whomever he chooses to heal. There is a lot of religious fantasy about casting out demons and I don’t really get into all of that. It’s certainly not something I think believers should be worrying about.


  14. I’ve been talking to someone one on one from the Christian Universalist group who is trying to convince me Sheol is a literal terrible where some have spent thousands of years being tormented for their sins. I thought Sheol is just a metaphorical term for oblivion/unconsciousness. He sounds really nice and he seems to know a lot but I’m not taking his word for it. I really thought Sheol is just the nothingness before we were born that we temporarily return to after death. I need your help. Could he be right? He told me I’m questioning God by questioning what he said and that’s a serious sin. He told me I would answer for it.


    1. Hi Adrien, you need not worry about that because you are correct. Sheol is not a literal physical place it’s a condition. I was born in 1979 but in 1950 I didn’t exist. The condition of not existing is what sheol is and we all return to that condition at death. The dead know nothing in sheol. There is no reasoning, memory, or knowledge in sheol where we all are going. That is what the scripture says so you needn’t worry about someone else’s fear mongering. If people are tormented for their sins then the work of Christ on the cross was inefficient. That is blasphemy. Jesus died for the sins of the world. The wages of sin is death not eternal tortment in some pagan underworld. You aren’t questioning what God said you are studying to show yourself approved. It is not a sin to question someone else’s judgment especially when they are trying to get you to adhere to what they think. He should be focusing more on what he will answer for as opposed to what someone else’s judgment will be but in speaking of judgment in Isaiah 26:9 we read that learning righteousness is the result of God’s judgments not everlasting torture. When people can’t control or manipulate you they resort fear mongering or trying to persuade through fear. It is a much more serious sin to attribute lies to God.


  15. I get scared of death itself. Like about what happens after death. I feel like none of us know for certain because we are not omniscient like God.


    1. We don’t have to be omniscient like God to believe what His word says. We can be confident that there will be a resurrection because the word of God says so. I don’t know what can help you overcome your fear of death. Death is inevitable so it makes little sense to worry too much about what’s out of our control. None of us can add a second to our lives so every second we’re alive is a gift. The more you believe and trust what the word of God says I suppose that could reduce your fear about death but I don’t think it’s something that will happen overnight.


      1. Thank you for your response.
        If demons are not fallen angels, do we know what they are? And did Jesus literally cast out demons?


  16. Good afteroon!! just wanted to say hello and hope you and your are all well. Thank you again for this page..


  17. Thank you for the new truth and knowledge you have given me in your writings and post. Could you please tell me your thoughts on demons. What are they, where dinthey come from, are they satan’s aids, did satan and them fall from heaven and did Jesus cast them out.



  18. Hello Mr. Sulaiman(?),
    Your opinions are very at odds with the rest of the Christian community. Personally I find your arguments against Hell to be very convincing, but I was wondering how you deal with the alienation from the Christian church as a whole. Are there any churches out there that share your views? Can churches be converted to your views and should people try to do this?
    I was also wondering how you would respond to someone who says Christianity is dead or in decline because they still follow the incorrect Hell doctrine. Most people have strayed from the truth and some might say God has abandoned the church.


    1. There are universalist churches but I don’t attend any where I live. I haven’t attended an actual church building in years and I’ve come accustomed to the solitude. I would rather be out of the church and have some understanding of truth then to be in the church where there is very little truth at all. Being called out of the church is part of the deal and with that deal comes many sacrifices. I don’t believe that there is a church that exists that would denounce the doctrine of hell because hell is what keeps people deceived. Christianity is very much alive as you can’t drive 2 blocks in the south without passing a church. As far as Christianity being in line with God’s truth then Christianity has been dead for a very long time in that context. God cannot abandon what He has nothing to do with. Christianity is a religious institution created by men for the agenda of men. Money and power.


  19. I really enjoyed your article. I was raised in the Worldwide Church of God so your concepts are not new to me. I am surprised you use the symbol of the cross which I have been taught is a pagan symbol. The actual cross Jesus died on did not look like that. It is offensive to me and I am surprised you used such a symbol.


    1. Thank you for your comment. You are not the first person to mention my decision to use the traditional Christian symbol for Christianity but I can assure you that I am well aware that Jesus was not crucified on a cross. He was crucified on tree but nobody knows what the actual tree looked like. With that said, I have a reason for using the traditional image of a cross for my blog and since you seem to value respect, it would’ve been respectful for you to ask me about it instead of getting offended when you don’t know my intentions. I used the symbol because the majority of Christianity is pagan. I’m offended that you would come to such a conclusion without allowing me to engage in a respectful dialogue with you about your concerns. I offend many people, sometimes intentionally, but it’s certainly never personal. This entire blog is offensive to fundamental Christianity if you think about it but that’s okay. I want people to be offended because Christianity is offensive but I’m sure you meant no disrespect. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.


  20. Hello,

    I am reading through your writings, and I find them to be very interesting. I was raised in an Evangelical Christian community and raised to believe in all the things you teach against, but over time I began to realize that some of the things that I was taught simply make no sense and that the vast majority of Christian churches in America are largely unsustainable and are destined to self-destruct because of their blindness. I have been praying to God for wisdom as I read your blog so that He might reveal truth to me through your work.

    I will probably have many questions, but for now my main questions are about your denial of trinitarian doctrine: how do you interpret John 1:1 in your belief system? And why do you believe that Jesus instructed His followers to baptize disciples in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit if you think they are not each a person?

    Thank you for your time, and may God bless you with peace and good health.


    1. I have researched John 1:1 quite a bit. I have a hard time with the trinity. It just doesn’t make sense. I could point out many verses, but one would be Matthew 24:36. Luke 18:19 is another good one in my humble opinion.


    2. Hello and thank you for commenting. There is nothing in John 1:1 that supports the trinity doctrine. Trust me when I say that the trinity doctrine is one of the most difficult doctrines to denounce but it is a silly doctrine and completely meaningless.

      John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

      In this verse, we have the Word and we have God so that’s two so at the most we have a duo or a couple. The Word was with God and the Word was God so the Word and God are one. Has God given us an example of how 2 can be 1? Of course He has and that example is in the form of marriage. There is no example where 3 are one and there is no mention of the Holy Spirit in John 1:1. In regards to baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, there is nothing in this scripture that tells us that these three are individual persons. First of all, God is not a person, God is “spirit”. The Holy Spirit is not a person it is the spirit of God that man can experience. I wrote this is a previous comment;

      “God’s “spirit” belongs to Him just like your heart and capacity to love belongs to you. Your heart is not a separate entity of you, it is a part of you. When you give your heart to someone you love like your mother, father, siblings, wife, or children, you are giving them the invisible “possession” of you and not another person! They can experience your love with them. The Holy Spirit is the POSSESSION of God! When God gives us His spirit, God is giving us Himself and we can experience God with us!”

      Furthermore, I am sure we both agree that Jesus is the son of God but in Matthew 1:20, we read that Jesus was “conceived” of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is a separate individual person wouldn’t Jesus then be the son of the Holy Spirit? We both know that a woman becomes pregnant when she is conceived by the father’s sperm so if Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit then the Holy Spirit would have to be the father according to the trinity doctrine but there is NO scripture that says such. Jesus is the son of God conceived by God’s spirit which belongs to Him.


      1. So would you say that Jesus is also a part of God like the Holy Spirit, or would you say He is separate?

        Verses like John 8:58 and John 10:30-33 seem to support the idea that He is God, but what do you believe?


      2. Jesus came from God but He is not “God” as in the equivalent of the Father. Jesus is God because He was given that office by the Father. What does it mesn to be “God”? I think it means a lot of things but there is nothing Jesus can do with the approval or authorization of the Father. He is in submission to the Father even though the Father had appointed Him over everything. He is God to us and the universe but not His Father.


  21. I can see your point that Jesus is in submission to God, but if He existed in the beginning, called himself “I Am” (Yahweh), was in the form of God (Philippians 2:6), and was called equal with God (Philippians 2:6), then who or what is Jesus to you?

    If I recall correctly, you said that he was created (as all sons are created by their fathers). But the Bible seems to say that he existed “in the beginning”. Also, the Bible says “God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.” (John 1:3 ESV). But if he was created by God, then how can this be? How could God create Jesus through Jesus?

    Also, if Jesus is the Word (“the Word became flesh”), and if the Word “was God” (John 1:1), then how could He be a creation of God?

    Perhaps I am misunderstanding something, but this seems confusing to me.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply to me and for your patience.


    1. Jesus is Lord and God to all creation. Jesus has preeminence over all (except for God the Father). Jesus came out from the Father and yes He existed in the beginning but did He exist before God spoke? Jesus is the Word of God but He wasn’t in the form of a man in the beginning. When God said, “Let there be light”, that was the first manifestation of Jesus assuming that to be the first time God spoke. Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. He was created first before anything else and God created everything else through Jesus. God didn’t create Jesus through Jesus because Jesus came before everything else. It’s just understood that John 1:3 doesn’t include Jesus just like it’s understood that Jesus doesn’t have supremacy over God the Father. Everything in the universe was created except for God. God Created Jesus the firstborn of creation and then through Jesus everything else was created.


    1. If you interpret Luke 10 literally then I can see why one would think that Satan literally fell from “heaven”. Do you believe that Jesus gave His disciples the authority to trample over literal serpents and scorpions? The bible is filled with metaphors and symbolism. Satan did not fall from the spiritual dwelling of God. Satan fell from the minds of men. What a person thinks in their own mind is their “heaven”. And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven…. the people of Capernaum were NOT literally exalted up to God’s heaven and I think we can agree with that. They were exalted in their own minds. They were haughty people because of their physical power and wealth. People believe too much Christian fantasy instead of actually reading and studying what the scriptures say. In Daniel 4, we read about the king of Babylon having a dream about a tree that reached into the heavens but I can assure you that the king of Babylon didn’t ascend into heaven. Remember John 3:13…. No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. Jesus was already in “heaven” when He spoke those words because “heaven” is a spiritual realm. The tree in the king of Babylon’s dream that reached into heaven was HIMSELF!

      Daniel 4:20-22 The tree that you saw, which grew and became strong, whose height reached to the heavens and which could be seen by all the earth, whose leaves were lovely and its fruit abundant, in which was food for all, under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and in whose branches the birds of the heaven had their home it is you, O king, who have grown and become strong; for your greatness has grown and reaches to the heavens, and your dominion to the end of the earth.

      Jesus gave His disciples the power to heal the sick and the authority to trample over serpents and scorpions (evil). They said to Jesus that even the demons are in subjection to them in His name and Jesus simply replied, I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven. The power of the adversary leaving the minds of men.


  22. Mr. Randolph, hope this finds you and yours all well.. thank you again for all your great work here.. question please .. Do you have any thoughts you can share about the The Two Millenniums?? i think this is taken from Revelation.. sometime i really do not like the book of Revelation.. i take comfort know that is from my own ignorance.. i posted this link here just a fyi.. hope you do not mind.. my question is sincere..


  23. I suppose my only question for you would be, if you truly believe everything you have written here, why do you come at it with such hostility and not joy? If you were at peace with these things, you’d be patient with others. But I see a lot of condemnation and arguing in your replies. The scriptures lay out the bottom line for us: Whomever believes that Yeshua is the Messiah and the son of God, God dwells in him. Do we need much more than that? If God dwells in me, what more do I need? As far as what happens after death, no one alive knows exactly. But we know that whether we live or die, we are his. If someone believes that Yeshua is God’s son and Messiah, they are our brother or sister. Everyone learns and grows at a different pace. Let’s not condemn anyone for their lack of knowledge.


    1. Let’s see… several years ago God put it on my heart to make a website to share some truths with people concerning some issues I believed to be egregious errors within the Christian church. I have devoted countless hours in research, writing, commenting, and having dialogue with total strangers. This website has touched every continent besides Antarctica and over 54,000 people have visited this site. I do not have a staff nor do I generate any income whatsoever from the work that I have put in on this website. I dedicate my free time to have dialogue with people I have no connection to in anyway outside of this blog. Your comment is a bit off base because you are only focusing on what you perceive to be negative. I have offered encouragement, guidance, instruction, praise, advice, and words of gratitude to hundreds of people but I guess all of that counts for nothing simply because I respond with fervor to the people that believe that God is going to torture billions of humans beings in real fire for all eternity? I am not going to apologize for that nor do I feel bad about it. The most joyful experience I have is seeing someone eyes become opened when they read the undeniable truth that is plainly obvious once we unlearn the lies of religion and Christian tradition. How am I not patient with people? People ask questions and I answer them. I spend a great deal of time answering some people when I certainly don’t have to. God doesn’t dwell in anyone in full measure because we have the “earnest” of God’s spirit. That’s just a small deposit. You can convince yourself or tell yourself anything but that doesn’t make it true. The bible CLEARLY explains what happens after death and we all know that death is the opposite of being alive. We are accountable for what we believe and being nice and sensitive is exactly how and why people stay deceived. People want to be comfortable but how many people did Jesus make uncomfortable? How many people believe that Jesus is God’s Son AND the Messiah? What does that even mean? People say this all the time but have you ever taken the time to actually think about what it means to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah? If you truly believe in Christ then that means you believe in Him and you believe the things He said. Jesus is the Savior of the world (John 4:42, 1 John 4:14). Do you believe that? Or do you believe that Jesus will fail at being the Savior of the world? Be careful who you call a brother or sister because you really don’t know. We are all children of God and brothers and sisters in humanity but there are seeds of God and seeds of Satan. You’ll know the difference by the fruit they bear. I am well aware that people learn and grow at different paces but that doesn’t remove accountability. I will never condemn someone for their lack of knowledge but lack of knowledge doesn’t give anyone permission to be ignorant. We all have a responsibility to learn and grow but most of the people I’ve talked to condemn me for exposing the lies and heresies they choose to cling to. Most don’t even know why they believe what they believe because we have all been trained to just listen to the priest without question assuming that the man is of God. Then people just become repeaters of what they heard not having the slightest clue that they are just regurgitating lies. I know that there can be a sting in the way I write at times but I’ve learned to fight fire with fire. Iron sharpens iron. I am not going to be all cuddly with someone who believes a doctrine as horrible as hell. I will smash the nose off of that sacred cow that most Christians love and defend and I do it with pride. Belief in hell is the beginning of all modern Christian deception.


  24. Hey brother, I wanted to ask you if I could translate some of your articles to Spanish and send them back to you. I feel like more people would benefit from this website.


      1. I was thinking of first translating “Exposing The Counterfeit Gospel of Christianity” and then moving on to the Hell articles. Then eventually getting to The Trinity paper which I believe it’s important to translate because how can we worship a God we don’t even know? I’ll start tonight if you have no problem and send them back to you.


      2. Excellent! If you don’t mind I think it would be good to do the one on God’s Plan of Salvation for the Whole World because this is a scarcely understood by the majority of people. I will definitely give you credit for doing the translating work.


  25. I am sorry to keep bothering you, but I was just flipping through some of the comments and I saw one where you direct someone away from the website. Good for you ! Those people have made my life a misery for years. I had to finally stumble onto an article about Arminianism of all things to find out that their “official position” in salvation is “4 point Calvinism”. 👎 How dumb is that ? As if such a thing actually exists ! Well, come to think of it. I suppose anything an “exist” when it comes to variations on Calvinism. Or Christianity itself for that matter. I wrote to them calling them out for bias when they blatantly pose as an objective source of information on “God, Scripture, and salvation” Their mission statement says they are “Protestant, Christian, evangelical, theologically conservative, and nondenominational.” LOL !!!!! I nearly passed out laughing at such a sweeping declaration ! How can they claim to be 4 Point Calvinists and nondenominational at the same time ? How can they be evangelical if they believe in Unconditional Election ? How can be Christian and be so arrogant and condescending to people who look at them too closely, as I did ? Yeah, I had a running feud with them for a while – in my imagination. When I called them out over the Calvinism thing, some guy wrote back “We do nothing to hide our Calvinist leanings. It is all there in the article on personal responsibility and blah, blah, blah. Come on ! Looking back over so many of their articles, I cannot believe I didn’t realize it sooner. I wrote an entire snarky email about how yes indeed they are blatant Calvinists. That I could practically smell the burning flesh of Michael Servetus and all of Calvin’s other victims. I spent hours on it only to delete it because it was so childish and petulant and mean spirited that sending it would be the final touch on my spate of un-Christian behavior. I detest hypocrisy and there I was writing a nasty response to their nasty supercilious reply. I was disgusted with myself as well as them ! But please, never hesitate to warn people away from that website. A bigger s and more sanctimonious collection of hypocritical liars about God, Scripture, and salvation is hard to find on one website. Oops ! There I go again. is like Twitter for me. Just thinking about them turns me mean. But seriously, I needed a few sessions of therapy with this great therapist to get over just a small percentage of the damage those freaks did to my mind. You have helped me with the majority of it. For free too! I would gladly pay you. He charged something like $120.00 for a 50 minute session. 😊. Their website should be called Some of the stuff is okay. Just stay away from any articles that discuss God, Scripture, or salvation – the three things that they say that their “ministry of dedicated and trained servants” have “a desire to assist others in understanding” They are probably the three most important things that people new to Christianity or those looking for clarification about Christianity are going to zero in on and they have all three completely wrong ! I am feeling a little hysterical here. Which is stupid because there is nothing funny in the fact that I was stupid and gullible enough to let them mess with my head and drive me into therapy! If stupidity were a sin (is it?) a nd Hell were real I would be in big trouble. No. I have nothing but bad to say about them do I guess I should shut up and calm down so I can get some sleep. It’s 12:25 am here. Oh wait ! I can sleep in. I am not going to church in the morning. Good night.
    Grace and peace to you my friend. I mean that sincerely. You have valuable knowledge and insight. As once God is in control of everything, I shall try to leave it up to him as to when if ever you should go public in a huge way. Probably not something you would enjoy in any case. I just feel sorry for people like myself who have lost years and their peace of mind to blasphemous lies that have their origin in the dark ages or worse. I do intend when the time is right to tell my sister (who does not believe in Jesus in any sense) about you. I am not the stuff of which evangelists are made. Perhaps that time will never come. But if she ever expresses an interest in Jesus and true Christianity(if there is such a thing) I want her to be protected by your scholarship and insight. I love her and I do not want her to go through what I went through. I would not wish that on anyone.



    1. You’re not bothering me at all. Feel free to comment as much as you want to. I try to respond in a timely manner which I’ve been pretty good at but sometimes life just gets in the way. I do intend to get back to writing more and possibly even making some short videos. I really do appreciate your support because it makes me feel like this work was not in vain. I never imagined that this website would touch literally every continent (with exception of Antarctica of course) on the planet. Over 130k all time views and about 55k visitors from all over the world is pretty humbling. I’m in the process of having some of the articles translated to Spanish from a supporter of this website. I do also plan to make the articles available to be downloaded. I just have to make time to do it. I can’t remember exactly what that comment was talking about regarding the website but that site is atrocious. They answer virtually nothing they and all they do is just repeat Christian dogmas. I tried to actually give them a chance and actually read some of their material but it was just awful. They don’t have a clue and that’s part of the reason why I made this site. I was too deceived and believed the lies fed to us by mainstream Christianity. I really struggled with reconciling the doctrine of hell. I couldn’t rap my mind around burning in fire for all eternity. It was psychological abuse and manipulation to the worst degree and it still is for a lot of people. I do plan to go public in the future. I might start with a YouTube channel first and then see where that goes. It’s a little scary but I’m up for the challenge. Defending the apokatastasis has been the primary focus of my ministry so that is where my heart is and has been. People need to know that our God is a God of love and mercy. Are God desires to save all of His sinful creation and He will accomplish what He desires!


  26. Hi, I wanted to ask you a few question about the sinner’s prayer. If you can please contact be via email or phone number, I would like the opportunity to speak with you on this topic. Thank you.


  27. Hey I see you you are a universalist
    I want to share with you some universalist resources I have encountered over the years

    Every link below teaches that God will save all mankind. I have learned from all of them.

    The guys below teach the 2 gospels truth (I can be wrong about this, but this is what I currently believe, first link explains the 2 gospels, in short the body of Christ (Paul’s gospel, the gospel of the uncircumcision) reconciles primarily those in heaven, the angels, while Peter and the rest of the saints of Israel(the gospel of the circumcision, this was the gospel preached by Jesus and the 12 when he was on earth) reconcile the earth. ) [lists youtube channels that teach this stuff + discord invite]

    The guys below mix the two gospel into one, but their is much truth here (they have a mix of 2 gospel teachers and 1 gospel teachers) (these guys also have a mix of 2 gospels vs 1 gospel preachers)

    Save the links to a notepad document + bookmark them for further reading


  28. Where can you be followed? Do you have YouTube? I don’t know anything, I’ve never really read the Bible but the things I have read really contradicted what I felt persay…..I’ve always been God fearing but idk….I found you when I kept getting messages from Dave Hernandez and I really thought they helped until I saw like him smacking people on their heads and I was like oh no….so I started go Google him and I didn’t find much well actually I found you, your blog and I’ve tried to find a way to follow you so you can explain all the things you know because the things you say align with what I believe( God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit) but you have facts. The things that surround God don’t scare me, being confused scares me. Again I’ve never read the Bible was not lead to, but any scripture that has passed my way over the years, and I asked questions they only lead me to illogical confusing answers and people walking away with a smile(except me). Noone in my path has ever answered questions or made me feel like I found the truth like what I’ve read you write. I need help. Thank you for what you have already posted and again I just found you today and I saw that your writing is not everyday and I tried to find a way to follow but I came short. Thank you again.


    1. I can be followed on this site. I do have YouTube but there is no content on my channel. I use it primarily to comment on videos that contradict the Word of God. If you have questions or want to discuss biblical subjects that I’ve covered feel free to comment here as much as you’d like to.


  29. Hello, I’ve read most of the content on this website and am very receptive of the information that you provide. Thank you for what you do. I just wanted to ask a couple questions regarding two of the papers. My first question is regarding one of your papers where you discussed that man does not have free will. Please forgive the ignorance of my question, but is it saying that God is in control of our every action as if we were puppets and God were the puppet master? You gave a great example of when Jesus told Peter he would deny him 3 times. Also, how God foretold things such as how he told Moses to go to Pharoah but God knew Pharoah would not listen to him. God knows all things, is he basically controlling us if we don’t have free will? I’m just looking for clarity on that.

    My second question is regarding your paper on Hell and The Lake of Fire. What we’ve all been taught in church is that hell is where Satan and his angels are which is clearly false because Revelations says that the Devil will be cast into the lake of fire. My question is, knowing that Hell is actually not a place of torment but the abode of the dead meaning the grave, and the lake of fire is basically God refining sinners to make them whole in order for them to enter the kingdom of God, which reaps the term “Baptized by Fire”, If it’s a spiritual cleansing, why is it looked at in a negative light? The scriptures talk about the Lake of Fire as a place where unbelievers should not want to be cast into. I hope this is making sense. I’m just looking for clarity on these two questions.


    1. Hello KJ, for some reason your comment went into my spam folder and I am just now seeing it. I’d be happy to answer your questions and there’s no need for you to apologize for any ignorance. Asking questions is how you obtain information and gain knowledge! In your first question regarding free will, this topic is a difficult one for many people to grasp because it takes responsibility away from man and places it on God but shouldn’t God be responsible for His creation? Are parents not responsible for their children? If a child throws a rock threw the neighbors window, who is responsible? Can the child pay for the damages? The parents are responsible because parents are responsible for their children but the parent can hold the child accountable by punishing them in some way. We are accountable for our choices but there is a difference between accountability and responsibility. In order to understand what I’m talking about, you have to keep the outcome of salvation in your though process. The biblical application of free will has to do with salvation. Is it man’s job to save himself or is it God’s job to save humanity? According to those who believe that we have free will, they believe that a person must choose God and accept the free gift of salvation by having faith in Christ but there are scriptures that contradict this idea. The scriptures tell us that faith is a gift from God but does God bestow each individual person on earth with the gift of faith? I certainly do not think so because “Christianity” as a religion isn’t even the top religion in some cultures. Then we have other scriptures that tell us that no man can come to Christs unless they are drawn by the Father. Is the Father drawing everyone to Christ in this life? I don’t think so because the scriptures also say that there are many called but few chosen. So if we look at the Christian system that exists today, it teaches that people must choose Christ regardless of anything that the scriptures tell us. God is not in control of our every action because God has given humanity a certain level of autonomy when it comes to our existence. We have a heart, a brain, emotions, senses, thoughts, dreams, preferences, beliefs, and a body to experience the life that God has given us. Puppet master would be a poor choice of words in my opinion because God doesn’t make anyone do anything but God can cause things to happen that will make you VOLUNTEER to do whatever it is that God has called you to do. God is the Master Potter and we are the vessels. He makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. God didn’t make Peter deny Christ 3 times. Christ can obvious see the future and He was just checking Peter in his arrogance. Peter said that he would follow Christ even to death but when death presented itself as a likely possibility because of his association with Christ, he denied Him. Peter denied Christ because his flesh was weak and he was in fear for his own life. God’s omniscience does not mean He is puppeteering everything. God has given power to His creation and the creation can operate with the boundaries of that power. So what power do we have? We do have a will but our will isn’t free for us to do whatever we want to do. Our wills are influenced by many things in life with the most powerful motivator being our sinful nature. Sometimes, these bodies that we live in crave things that we know aren’t even good for us but we give in to what the body desires. Why? Because it’s hard to deny the flesh what it wants because satisfying the flesh feels good to us. Another powerful motivator is parenting. Parents are responsible for teaching their children how to behave but if free will was an actual thing, why would parents have to teach their children anything at all? Do children have free will? Can a child freely choose to disobey their parents? They can disobey but not freely. Children rarely choose anything other than whatever is the most pleasing or exciting thing to do. That’s why children are impulsive because their brains aren’t fully developed that helps with reasoning. I want to share a short story with you…

      One day I went to Wal-Mart with my daughter who was about 8 years old and we was walking towards the registers to checkout. My daughter is usually only within a few feet from my presence and I never let her out of my eyesight but I decided to play a little trick on her. As we walked through the clothing section, I bent a corner to my right into another isle fast enough for my daughter to miss seeing where I went. She just assumed that I would be right in front of her but to her shock, I was nowhere to be found. In the few seconds that passed, the look on my daughter’s face was absolute terror. In her little world, daddy is “god”. I am her protector and I take care of her. Everything she has she has because I gave it to her. I even gave her my looks. She knows she belongs to me and she actually is proud of that ownership. Imagine existing in the world you are familiar with and you are comfortable then all of sudden, your world expands so much that the only thing that can fill your psyche is fear. Fear of the unknown and knowing that you are no longer protected. When I realized how distraught she was, I came to her attention and hugged her. She looked at me fiercely and said, “Daddy don’t do that”. She was dead serious but what of free will? What does an 8 year old little girl care about? Toys, candy, makeup… Once she realized that I was gone, what stopped her from venturing off to do her own thing? She never had any time to choose, her mind and emotions reacted almost instinctively in that brief moment of distress. My daughter’s desire and/or need to feel safe and comfortable was the most powerful motivator for her in that moment. So we have to think about the things that motivate us to act the way we do. Do we always feel like waking up in the morning to go to work or school? Of course not and sometimes we don’t but more time than not, we usually make ourselves get up and go. Why? Because going to school or the consequences of not going is more powerful. Going to work and getting paid every week or two is more powerful so we choose to do whatever is the strongest motivator in our hearts. We can’t do a thing that God first doesn’t allow or give us the ability to do. There is a scripture that talks about how God has given mankind over to a reprobate mind because of man’s unwillingness to recognize the Creator and God then allowed man to fall away into the madness of his sinful nature. God is in control but He doesn’t care if you choose Burger King over McDonald’s. He has given you the power to choose whatever is available to you and within your ability to acquire. Read Daniel 4 about King Nebuchadnezzar and see what God did to him when he thought he had free will.


  30. Hi Randolph,
    Firstly I want to thank you for doing a great job explaining Scriptures the way they should be explained. The fact that you find time and don’t ask for anything in return.. Thank you.
    I read many papers on subject of death and what Scriptures say about it. I understand now that being dead is like being asleep. I know there is no heaven or lake of fire immediately after death and only Jesus ever defeated death. My question is regarding these:
    Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36.
    Jesus is seen by His followers talking to Moses and Elijah. How could that be if all are dead awairing judgment? How did disciples know they are seeing Moses and Elijah?
    Thank you. God bless you.


    1. Thank you Dariusz and I’d be happy to make a few comments regarding the transfiguration. The real biological Moses and Elijah did NOT appear with Jesus in front of His disciples. It was only a “vision”.

      Matthew 17:9 Now as they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, “Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead.” We always have to remember that scripture cannot contradict scripture. In Hebrews 11 we read about how the prophets all died in faith not having received the promise. They are all still dead awaiting the resurrection. Moses and Elijah only appeared to them in the vision but when the vision was over, the appearance of Moses and Elijah had passed. I’m not sure how the disciples were able to recognize them but I can only presume that God opened their minds to know.


  31. I’m trying to find any writings about the man of lawlessness, the four main religions of Daniel (Christianity, Buddism, Islam, Hinduism) and what part Islam will play within the U.S. and Europe.


    1. The man of lawlessness is you. It is you, me, and everyone. It is the carnal man of sin that lives inside of all of us. The book of Daniel speaks about “kingdoms” not religions so I’m not sure what you mean by “the four main religions of Daniel (Christianity, Buddism, Islam, Hinduism)” but that is not the purpose of this site. This site is about the teaching of universal reconciliation and dispelling many of the false doctrines within Christianity.


      1. Right, and one of the false teachings of Christianity is their handling of Daniel. The four main religions are directly associated with the Far Eastern, Middle Eastern, Eastern, and Western Kings and Kingdoms noted in Daniel by their metal and animal. I’ll have to disagree with all of us being the man of lawlessness. The rule is “literal” first. Besides that, if we’re in the body of Christ, been revealed the truth by God through Christ in this eon, we are no longer under law, and therefore, can’t be a man of lawlessness. The man of lawlessness is exactly as God wrote it – “the man” (of lawlessness). There is nothing else written regarding it, and it would be a matter of interpretation to suggest that it’s all of mankind in a plural form. That’s okay. I was just getting a collective opinion and it’s not your thing so I’ll leave it alone.


      2. You are welcome to disagree with me on the idea that we all are the “man of lawlessness” but let me add some commentary to possibly help you understand my view. The word translated as “man” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 is the Greek word “anthrōpos” which is where we get the word “anthropology” or the study of humanity and not just one specific man. This Greek word is used interchangeably to describe an individual man or mankind as a whole and there is no distinction on gender with this word even though the bible predominately uses the words man or men to refer to humanity as a whole.

        Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

        Surely we can agree that the word “man” here includes woman too and man is used here to refer to mankind in general and not one specific man.

        2 Timothy 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

        Is there only one man of God?

        You said that the rule is “literal” first but who’s rule is that or under what authority do you make such a claim? The scriptures are filled with symbols, metaphors, parables, and figurative language so it would be a gross error to apply your literal first rule and expect to truly understand what the scriptures are saying.

        There are many bible translations that include the phrase “man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 but it is technically better translated as the “man of sin” according to the original Greek. The Greek word “hamartia” means sin and it is translated as such in 172 scriptures including 2 Thessalonians 2:3. There is another Greek word for lawlessness and it is “anomia” but this doesn’t change much whether we use lawlessness or sin. Do you deny that we all are the man of sin or that there is a man of sin in all of us that must be overcome? Nobody is born immediately into the body of Christ and one must first be drawn to Christ by the Father. I agree with you that believers or those in the body of Christ are no longer under law but none of us came into this world able to make such a boast. We are all the man of lawlessness or the man of sin which is the Adam in all of us. The carnal man that is not subject to the law of God. It is product of Christian fantasy to think that there is only one man of lawlessness or man of sin somewhere out in the world called the Anti-Christ that will someday claim to be God in the temple of God some time in the future. Who is it that opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Where is the temple of God?

        1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

        The only “man” that commits all of these offenses is the old man in all of us. The carnal man that believes he is the king of his life and that he has free will which is man’s invention of sovereignty. The carnal man that believes he must save himself through his works and he must choose God thus making himself God. The carnal man that attempts to rule in his own life but the Most High rules in the kingdom of men (Daniel 4:17).


  32. Thank you very much for these articles. It is very rare to come across those who actually believe the scriptural plan of God and the real gospel of Christ. For decades I too believed the unscriptural doctrines of Christendom and was always perplexed with their obvious contradictions with the scriptures. I could never wrap my head around their evil doctrine of hell. It wasn’t until about 10 years ago I came across L. Ray Smith’s website that I finally came to the truth. When I did, I read every single thing posted on the site for weeks and weeks including the answers Ray gave in the emails.

    In one of your articles you stated only the elect will be living and reigning with Christ upon His return. My question is who will they be reigning over? Since very few of the elect will be alive during this event what about the billions and billions of people still alive at that time? What happens to them and what will they be doing during the 1000 year reign? I realize the elect will be involved with judging those from the second resurrection of the dead following this thousand year reign but I always assumed that Christ and the elect would also be reigning over these billions still alive upon Christ’s return and the first resurrection of the elect.


    1. The wicked and unbelieving populations will be destroyed at the coming of Christ to establish His kingdom on earth (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) which is why there is a second resurrection to judgment. Of course the destruction isn’t everlasting as most bibles say but the elect do not reign over the nations immediately because the nations of the world will be dead and awaiting the resurrection to judgment. The scriptures do not elaborate on what life will be like in the resurrection but we do have some clues. Besides being made immortal and being given spiritual bodies, the elect are called to be kings. Jesus is the King of kings. The elect will rule along side with Christ but before someone can become of king/judge, they must complete training. If the elect will serve in high positions in the government of God, I suspect that the elect will have to be trained in the spiritual ways of God seeing that believers only have God’s spirit in earnest in this life. Birth into this earthly life required years of parenting, nourishment, and learning among other things and I don’t see how spiritual birth in the kingdom of God would be any different. The saints will reign under the authority of Christ’s kingship up until Christ has put all enemies under His feet and that extends far beyond the 1,000 year period discussed in the book of Revelation and while I do believe the 1,000 years is symbolic, I don’t think the message was to isolate the reigning to that specific age. Sorry it took so long for me to respond but I hope this helps with your understanding.


  33. Love your site. I am interested in learning more about the types/shadows in the OT. Can you recommend resources?


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